“Rural EcoSystems” RECOS is a cooperation project supported by Erasmus+, which allowed us to meet, exchange and be inspired by the practices of the associations Collectif Parasites (France) and Contratto Sociale (Italy).

During three mobilities, delegations from each structure met in Montebello di Bertona (IT), in Landrecies (FR), and then in Staro Stefano (BG), to discuss youth, rural and eco-events, and build together reflections and answers to the issues facing our territories.

This gave us the opportunity to exchange valuable experience and knowledge with which to develop the areas in which we work and create:

  • Dialogues – a French-Italian-Bulgarian album study of the attitudes of young people and youth organizations working in rural areas: environment(s), culture(s), rural youth(s).
  • Eco-event toolkit – a guide to creating and managing sustainable and eco-friendly cultural events.